Illegitimate in a sentence as a noun

No, that does not make it an illegitimate project.

Then, people in positions of power bend toward the illegitimate trolls who cried wolf.

May the collapse of your illegitimate business be swift.

It would have been good if you had addressed the actual criticisms he made, instead of dismissing the entire post as illegitimate.

Further proof that the absurd run-up in November when bitcoin reached $1,200 was illegitimate.

Imagine j. edgar hoover or richard nixon able to use all that NSA data for illegitimate purposes.

Illegitimate in a sentence as an adjective

One can argue that copyrights are illegitimate by nature but that is a philosophical argument and not a legal one.

The illegitimate use of the address book is being masked by a legitimate use - even if permission is asked for it will likely be granted.

Things will start shifting when people understand that "legitimate" and "illegitimate" labels are irrelevant.

"To the extent that our government bears little resemblance to the one outlined by this document, our government is one that is not authorized by the document, and thus wholly illegitimate.

Those who have for centuries fooled the rest of humanity into believing that their unearned, illegitimate, and unwarranted elevated status is justified know the findings of this painfully obvious fact to be true.

Were the pirates really going to pay if they couldn't pirate?The lost revenue should really only come from customers who would have paid the asking price but managed to get an illegitimate deal, plus whatever support and overhead costs can be applied to the game downloads.

Illegitimate definitions


the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents

See also: bastard by-blow whoreson


contrary to or forbidden by law; "an illegitimate seizure of power"; "illicit trade"; "an outlaw strike"; "unlawful measures"

See also: illicit outlawed unlawful


of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful