Outflow in a sentence as a noun

So it's pretty easy to point at any income and outflow and argue that the money itself is being taxed twice.

It's much more profitable than buying lotto tickets on average, because there's no outflow.

- Massive outflow of foreign capital from the US as investors realized what a mess the US financial system must be in.

In case of emergency China entities are a lot easier to control the outflow of information.

That might be this comment: "Its true that the Baltics suffered a particularly rapid outflow after the popping of their respective economic bubbles".

> Is it likely that this is simply empire expansionThe US' relationship with those places it has influence is more of a reverse empire: there's always a net outflow of money/resources.

Actually, foreign Central Banks don't even need to dump treasuries to require QE Infinity - they can just reduce or stop absorbing the continual outflow of debt emitted by the USG.

>The studio was the latest casualty of a trend thats been plaguing the VFX industry in recent years: an outflow of work to countries with better tax incentivesSeems like the failures aren't just caused by the free market.

Paranoid military planners will be concerned about scenarios where Mars attacks earth, especially with the outflow of all those entrepreneurial, intelligent, individualistic, explorer psyches.

Outflow definitions


the discharge of a fluid from some container; "they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe"; "he had to clean up the leak"

See also: escape leak leakage


the process of flowing out

See also: effluence efflux


a natural flow of ground water

See also: spring fountain outpouring