Casualty in a sentence as a noun

Search result ranking is an obvious casualty, but it's not the only one.

From 2004 to 2009, with reports, date time groups, lat-lon locations, casualty figures...?

To reiterate that, Linode was a casualty of someone going after SwiftIRC.

A single casualty was regarded as a devastating loss.

This is mere seconds after the explosion took place, with the smoke still drifting through the air. Already they've made it to the side of the most obvious casualty; I can't really see the basis for your comment.

Yep, talk to a CPA. One key issue is you may not have a capital loss, but rather a casualty, which by my read of the flowchart becomes a miscellaneous itemized deduction.

The Awaki teenager, a US citizen with no history of involvement with al Qaeda, was an unintended casualty.

I doubt it was a call that commissioner Davis and governor Patrick wanted to make, but there was probably a very legitimate concern that more mass casualty events were a possibility.

One of the other two EDGs was already down with a casualty which left a single diesel generator that had to be started with compressed air stored in two huge bottles--so basically had two chances to get the ship moving again.

Around 10% of the adult male population of the UK died in war between 1914 and 1918, and another 10% were injured in battle; the casualty rate among junior officers was terrifying, higher than the average for enlisted soldiers.

Casualty definitions


someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement


someone injured or killed in an accident


an accident that causes someone to die


a decrease of military personnel or equipment