Ostracise in a sentence as a verb

Unions often bully or ostracise people who refuse to join.

Don't ostracise people based on age, experience or situation for starters?

The extreme version of this is seen in religions who will ostracise unbelievers.

"Don't even bother with the user "newnewnew"" - Ignore and ostracise those with opposing views.

Apple in response asks factories to improve conditions, or Apple will ostracise them.

I would not stay away from someone because he was bullied or poor growing up. I find it wrong that someone would choose to further ostracise or marginalise or push away such person.

If you rehabilitate people rather than ostracise them, there are fewer punctured carcasses overall.

Example: Apple's customers do not like working conditions of its partners' factories, so they can ostracise Apple.

So they should be ostracised for not thinking like the West wants them to think?My issue with this is that some people think that all online supporters of the Chinese government are paid shills or just bots.

If you are putting something in front of your eyes, or on your hat brim that looks like a hacked together bunch of cameras and wires and you wear it in public, there is millions of years of evolution causing people to ostracise you.

I have been in toxic places like this but I also wonder if being sucked into a dynamic so deeply that one would go out to ostracise another person on a several month long campaign is well spent energy and healthy for the person doing it.

Thus the most effective strategy of any activist is to repeat their message over and over again and have the adherents do the same and approve the same and ostracise those who criticize and those who don't care, thus spreading the idea through the society via social psychological principles and the pure intellectual brute force of repetition.

Ostracise definitions


expel from a community or group

See also: banish ostracize shun blackball


avoid speaking to or dealing with; "Ever since I spoke up, my colleagues ostracize me"

See also: ostracize