Blackball in a sentence as a noun

Not to blackball people who write negative things about VCs in the abstract.

We don't need to all literally agree on a list of individuals to blackball.

I make a new account every time because if you swear or sound "uncivil" some of the moderators will blackball you.

That seems tenuous at best, but I can't imagine any other reason for administrators to blackball a prominent professor.

Blackball in a sentence as a verb

Among problems that were used by the department to blackball unwanted candidate students, these problems are distinguished by having a simple solution that is difficult to find.

You state that the actions taken by Condoleeza Rice in the political sphere are not sufficient cause to blackball her. If contributing to launching a war of aggression and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians is not sufficient cause, what is?Surely you don't believe Eichmann should have been judged solely on his organizational skills?

I'm not a fan of that CEO-- he got me to spend 3 years of my life on a project that had no chance; even though he was perennially "on the cusp of" funding, he was also under a VC blackball-- but I'm also not a fan of what his '90s ex-investors did to him.

Blackball definitions


the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto

See also: barring


expel from a community or group

See also: banish ostracize ostracise shun


vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill"

See also: veto negative