Oestrogen in a sentence as a noun

The current thinking is that it is oestrogen in the water that is killing the sperm count.

Once all the eggs are used up then the ovary stops producing oestrogen and the other hormones.

Whereas if you only have oestrogen, these effects don't occur at all - really only just wider hip growth.

Bodybuilders avoid it due to claims of increased oestrogen production.

There's also an "oe" diphthong, hence "oestrogen", "foetus".British usage usually preserves the "a" and "o" in those diphthongs.

And birth control hormones are not the cause of increased oestrogen-mimics in the waterways - instead it's plastics, soy and shampoo.

Are womens' orgasm frequency connected to high oestrogen?

I take a number of foods and supplements that are meant to maintain a decent hormone profile - high testosterone, low oestrogen, cortisol etc..

Each pill can also have a different ratio of progestin to artificial oestrogen.

>> "The American study found that key chemicals in the oils boost oestrogen and inhibit testosterone.

In women reproductive hormones also affect weight, oestrogen is a hormone present in both males and females, so there's some crossover there.

When phytoestrogens occupy the cell, normal estrogens cannot.

It could well be, although if the situation was reversed and oestrogen was a suspect I think a worldwide state of emergency would be declared until a solution was found.

No explicit mention of soy, plus "The analysis did not explore reasons for the decline".Furthermore, it's said that plant-derived oestrogen does not act in the same way as human-derived oestrogen.

Oestrogen definitions


a general term for female steroid sex hormones that are secreted by the ovary and responsible for typical female sexual characteristics

See also: estrogen