Orgasm in a sentence as a noun

An mental orgasm for any nerds out there.

Related to the guy who has 100 orgasms/day?

It might have to do with the fact that an orgasm is made up of x number of rubs.

"Please explain why it is not offensive for this guy to call upon PyLadies for an orgasm...

Is my current partner giving me better orgasms than my previous one?

I read their Cupid's Poison Arrow book and it's not just porn they think is bad for you, it's orgasm in general.

How does an accelerometer tell someone looking at the data whether or not the wearer had an orgasm?

I read Caesar's Gallic Wars again and followed the movements of the army using that book and it was an intellectual orgasm of note.

A deadline extension is almost as good as an orgasm for me. Without an extnension, I'll estimate the remaining time needed to finish the job, then calculate what time I have to start to hit the mark--then set an alarm and hit the rack.

Their book teachers a method of orgasm-free sex and sexuality that is supposed to improve the longevity of your relationship.

Is it just so awe-inspiring and amazing because Apple did it?I thought people were starting to get past having a verbal orgasm every time Apple did anything and were instead ready to treat them like any other company.

This era of hyper connectivity and ultra social awareness was supposed to usher in some sort of Utopian orgasm -- one in which MZ would be carried on the shoulders of the masses to stand next to fantastical human saviors like Jesus.

Orgasm definitions


the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse

See also: climax coming