Obstructionist in a sentence as a noun

I would say the Senate has been more obstructionist due to their failure at passing a budget.

I feel like one side is trying to find a good balance, while the other is being completely obstructionist.

35 years has taught me that saying "no" as an engineer means you are being an "obstructionist" or "not a team player.

I think he's implying that he will be more effective at obstructionist and destructive protesting.

Most on the Left have come to view the Right, and the GOP in particular, as petulant, self-absorbed and obstructionist jerks.

As a litigator in civil matters he would spend days being obstructionist in depositions.

This may seem obstructionist, but it's based on a long history of dishonest merchants tampering with this type of equipment to defraud customers.

In the absence of progress metrics or a reputation for delivery, the engineering leader does look like an obstructionist.

The existence of the possibility of a remedy does not justify obstructionist behavior.

I'm growing increasingly concerned over the stalemate / obstructionist politics of the US and elsewhere, however.

Tolerance of a culture of unethical sales, creating an incentive & hiring structure that encourages it, and being obstructionist when someone who encounters it tries to get their issue dealt with speaks rather more to complicity than innocence.

In the worst case, if an obstructionist minority of states were to block an overwhelmingly popular and desperately needed amendment, a sufficiently large number of states could simply write a new Constitution.

"I'm watching the debate where practical political reality says every legislative proposal, other than "study the problem", is trivially DOA due the lobbying power of the NRA and Congress' makeup and existing obstructionist strategy.

Obstructionist definitions


someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take

See also: obstructor obstructer resister thwarter