Numerate in a sentence as a verb

When you need to deliver code to people who are numerate but don't program then Excel is the best thing to use.

Isn't that what a numerate intellectual might wonder?

" We are not talking about a strongly numerate analysis here.

The production of a literate and numerate workforce is a huge subsidy to employers.

We have too few engineers, but not enough unemployed Americans are retrainable, numerate, and intelligent enough to fill that gap.

"Gotta go check the 'well-rounded' box."Likewise I wonder about the curriculum they have to hit. If they are doing so much homework, why aren't they more numerate, why aren't they more familiar with the underpinnings of our literature and history?

Numerate in a sentence as an adjective

I welcome our newly arriving & refreshingly numerate overlords!

But I will be especially glad if all high school students in the United States grow up to be numerate, literate, and able to support themselves in the changing economy of the twenty-first century.

For a job not requiring any specific knowledge I'd always prioritise a science major over an arts major, simply because I'm more confident that the science major will be numerate and understand how to solve problems.

Also, the high supply of literate and numerate labor drives down the wages of each marginal employee, allowing employers to capture a higher percentage of the value generated by the employee.

Eventually, it appears most jobs will be replaced either by computers or people who program them-- in the same way that most work from before the Industrial Revolution has been replaced by mechanical machines or literate-and-numerate-people.

As expected, subjects highest in Numeracy a measure of the ability and disposition to make use of quantitative information did substantially better than less numerate ones when the data were presented as results from a study of a new skin-rash treatment.

Numerate definitions


determine the number or amount of; "Can you count the books on your shelf?"; "Count your change"

See also: count number enumerate


read out loud as words written numbers


able to understand and use numbers