Number in a sentence as a noun

If you can link to a case number, we can at least try to understand or explain what happened.

" is enough of a resume to get you an interview at any number of places.

If you're good enough to do it you could AFK your way through any number of raids, pick one of them instead.

Yes, there is no checksum, and yes, the replication status had the slaves currentDo you have the case number?

[0] Actually, I don't think it's even fair to say that - she's been a downright advocate of a whole number of nasty practices.

For example, apply it only to the top page at first, and reduce the number of endorsements required for display to 1.

They've also made a number of bad mistakes that I had identified--often through trial and error--that I had told them about.

Number in a sentence as a verb

There are a range of opinions so I don't want to overgeneralize but there are a large number of people here that seem to almost despise Stallman and the FSF.

They lie about download numbers, about download size, about number of software actually installed and about their connexions.

After WW2, the Allies condemned and executed a number of German and Japanese officers who had done little more than follow orders.

By exposing questionable decisions and arguably a number of war crimes, Manning broke his oath with the US Army but did a much greater service to the rest of us.

"I was offered the chance to make a phone call, but the only number I even have memorized anymore is my mother's, and despite knowing that my friends were probably scared to death looking for me, I wasn't at the point of calling her.

So if you have any sort of business where people pay you per click, and they expect those clicks not to be bots, then you need some way to say, "okay, I think I sent you 100 clicks, but let me check if they were all legit, so don't take this number as holy until 24 hours have passed.

We got that reputation by doing some concrete things differently than our competitors: we staffed an appropriate number of CSRs, trained them to be nice to customers, did a lot of gratuitous tech support for basic computer problems, and were flexible about resolving billing disputes.

Number definitions


the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals; "he had a number of chores to do"; "the number of parameters is small"; "the figure was about a thousand"

See also: figure


a concept of quantity involving zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"


a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best numbers he ever did"

See also: routine turn


the number is used in calling a particular telephone; "he has an unlisted number"


a symbol used to represent a number; "he learned to write the numerals before he went to school"

See also: numeral


one of a series published periodically; "she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room"

See also: issue


a select company of people; "I hope to become one of their number before I die"


a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification; "she refused to give them her Social Security number"


a clothing measurement; "a number 13 shoe"


the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural); "in English the subject and the verb must agree in number"


an item of merchandise offered for sale; "she preferred the black nylon number"; "this sweater is an all-wool number"


add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000"

See also: total come amount


give numbers to; "You should number the pages of the thesis"


enumerate; "We must number the names of the great mathematicians"

See also: list


put into a group; "The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members"

See also: count


determine the number or amount of; "Can you count the books on your shelf?"; "Count your change"

See also: count enumerate numerate


place a limit on the number of