Narcissistic in a sentence as an adjective

It's because age obsessions stem from this "cool list" narcissistic nonsense.

But thinking that they will be worse for your kids than they were for you is the fundamental, narcissistic error of parenting.

VC-istan is just as narcissistic and intolerant of missteps.

We all have shitty ideas from time to time, and it's only these narcissistic executives who aren't honest about the fact.

It's a narcissistic tautology, and it's a black hole that sadly many otherwise intelligent people get sucked into.

Maybe they need someone there to play the *****'s advocate in an industry that can be extraordinarily narcissistic.

Ill accept it even if you want to say, greenlander, youre a self-absorbed, narcissistic, self-deluded ********.

Perhaps the opposite will occur and with the decline in mass media we will become increasingly insular and narcissistic.

Obviously we will never know, this cannot be science, but Jobs went through life burning everyone down, filtering out everyone who wasn't a born narcissistic enabler.

It's then pretty logical that the narcissistic part of the pair gets all the fame, spotlight, power, and the co-dependent part gets used, squeezed, depleted and thrown away once not useful.

The issue of "so smart he needs a challenge so leave something for him to find" may overlap with "so narcissistic he needs something to smack you with so make a deliberate 'mistake' for him to find".

This doesn't seem to be about an accelerator as much as about a person with a behavior disorder that sounds very much like narcissistic personality disorder.

> How do you tell a non-technical person that they cant understand?This is unbelievably presumptuous, narcissistic and smacks of technological elitism.

The first item on a page of coding projects for girls to try is a 3-D-printed bracelet.> "It's insulting, not only because it's highly gendered, but also because it perpetuates this idea of women as consumeristic and narcissistic," said Losh.

Narcissistic definitions


characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance

See also: egotistic egotistical self-loving