Egotistical in a sentence as an adjective

Stop being so egotistical and ******* treat people with respect.

Maybe he is egotistical but most important hackers are.

I also don't like how VC-funded egotistical frat boys run companies.

The first act was unethical, the second was egotistical, and both judgements are based on the CEO's own choice of words, not Josh's.

Well maybe not insane, by certainly an egotistical nutjob.

This isn't being amateurish or egotistical, it's being realistic.

Don't forget that he discovered the fastest known algorithm for computing an arbitrary digit of pi. If you ever are tempted to get egotistical, just think of this guy.

I think if the concept was more open, had less obvious egotistical elements, I could see some reason to be legitimately upset.

Out of all the questions which were answered CNN focused on this one because it most easily supports the "egotistical" narrative they are attempting to paint him with.

Yeah, I think it's a clever concept, but it seems almost egotistical to say, "Look, I care enough about how you pronounce my last name to embed a link in my email sig"Many people classically mispronounced my name - it's not a big deal, I move on. If we're not going to be having many conversations where you say my last name, I'm not even going to correct you.

Egotistical definitions


characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance

See also: egotistic narcissistic self-loving


characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes"

See also: conceited egotistic self-conceited swollen swollen-headed vain