Narcism in a sentence as a noun

The same way this article makes it unclear what the difference between being insecure and no self confidence and narcism.

Diversity does not equal lying as a work method, narcism and psychopathy.

I never understood the difference between narcisms and self confidence.

Put the “narcism of minor differences” aside to deliver

> The quest for immortality is the ultimate selfish narcism.

The quest for immortality is the ultimate selfish narcism.

Pride towards ourself is ridden with corrosive imagery from the cold war area, undue self boasting and narcism.

Chances are that the world of QA sites is switching from narcism based reputation systems to the real web currency: user attention.

Narcism definitions


an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself; "self-love that shut out everyone else"

See also: self-love narcissism