Narcissism in a sentence as a noun

The more epic the narcissism, the more epic the congregation.

But, Pinterest at least has done a good job at making lazy, vapid, narcissism easy, and there's certainly demand for that.

And it goes in the other direction too: epic congregation implies epic narcissism.

How are pictures of cocks more dangerous than insincerity, lies, trophy girlfriends, mistrust, and narcissism?

I've personally witnessed a situation where a startup was paralyzed by code narcissism.

They are close enough that we quickly run into the narcissism of small differences [1].Second, in my experience HN ranges from uninterested to hostile when it comes to Perl.

McCain's neither a saint nor a philosopher-king: his personal narcissism seems to rival Obama's, and he often seems to be successfully flattered and managed by those around him.

I think it's wrong to bifurcate the audience into technie and non-techie, as if the only people who don't buy into personal optimizer narcissism are decidedly untechnical.

Twitter is an optimal conduit for narcissism, trolling, harassment, mobbing, astroturfing, demagoguery, and manufacturing consent.

I personally find this article's brand of narcissism-masquerading-as-activism really upsetting.

Narcissism definitions


an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself; "self-love that shut out everyone else"

See also: self-love narcism