Naivete in a sentence as a noun

The realism on HN keeps me grounded but the naivete on TIG keeps me dreaming.

This elite naivete blew me away when I spent years in the rough orbit of the Ivy League. They're not bad people...

“It is the height of naivete to think that once collected this information won’t be used,” he said. “This is the nature of secret government organizations.

I went through a period of intense naivete that involved trying those people out. I would try anything that might have a chance at accelerating my business.

The forum thread just makes my head spin with naivete. As a former game developer, I'm reminded why I could only ever read forums with one squinted eye open, head turned to the side.

Replace every instance of "serving ads" with "making money", and the meaning is unchanged, but the naivete is more obvious. You can do that to the entire article.

You can attribute it to arrogance, or naivete, or whatever -- it doesn't matter in the end, because it's foolishness. There IS no perfect product for everyone.

The listed examples seem more like exceptions proving the rule, possibly combined with a bit of naivete and 'beginner's mind'.

At the same time that lovely naivete about what would happen is exactly why this will never fly. Apple is the golden goose and nobody will sign off on a risky move that might **** the goose or stop it from laying those golden eggs.

But the OP approaches this issue with incredible wide-eyed naivete, with no real knowledge of what's happened in the past. I'd hate to think what kind of jaded essay he'd write if he really studied world history pre-2001.

The statistical naivete of the field led to all sorts of inadvertent mixing of training and test set data which generated a lot of spurious claims for solving the problem. That is until one attempted to find those decoys and they were always found.

It's all so shallow, first-world-problem-ish and child-like in its naivete. So she bought into the lie that having a job is a mystical road to self-fulfillment, discovered it's not fulfilling and set out to live, strangely enough, a lot like a housewife, except without the husband.

There is no Golden Age, just a bunch of old guys accumulating wealth by exploiting youthful naivete by cranking out a steady stream of technological toys designed to hook us, rather than serve us.

We might shake our head at your naivete, but you won't get in trouble for having lax security. If the tech community wants this standard to change when dealing with intellectual property, we need to articulate why and get people on board, because it's certainly not the default in either our current culture or our current laws.

The childishness of the bitcoin miners/traders is understandable given the demographic that this system appeals to at the moment, but the stunning naivete and downright ignorance of the law that is on display from the Mt. Gox admins is the most remarkable thing to me. At this point I am expecting bitcoin to die not due to its inherent failures as a currency but due to the incompetence of the major bitcoin exchange.

It is really hard to separate naivete from greed and from general cluelessness in situations like this and even with a little weirdness on the part of the guy who started the Kickstarter project we're still talking about a situation where nobody actually lost any money. Maybe he sat down one day and thought: "Hey, I'd like to rip people off by making up a fraudulent wi-fi enabled power socket."

Naivete definitions


lack of sophistication or worldliness

See also: naivety naiveness