Mung in a sentence as a noun

Pea protein isolates, rice protein, mung bean protein, canola oil etc are Not food.

Is that basically tofu, except mung not soy?The photo looks convincing.

Is mung beans, rice, and a shared room in a house "living" enough or does everyone need their full maximized-carbon-footprint atomized solo lifestyle in order to "live"?

If you design your regex for the XML you're using it on, this shouldnt be an issue - I use it frequently to mung config files as needed for work stuff - we use XML or XML like files for all sorts of stuff.

> Is mung beans, rice, and a shared room in a house "living" enough or does everyone need their full maximized-carbon-footprint atomized solo lifestyle in order to "live"?That is the straw man fallacy.

Majority of enterprise software is processing serialized data - send data from the browser to the middleware, mung it, send it to the database, and then all the way back in reverse order.

The things I've found store most easily are small pieces of dried plants: mung beans, rice, yerba mate, flour, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, texturized vegetable protein, sugar, dry minced garlic, dried onion flakes, black-eyed peas, tiny noodles, polenta, that kind of thing.

Great reading though, where else do you find stuff like this;'Utilizing the fractional Brownian bridge that employs short samples of time series in the method kernel, we suggest that the detected autoluminescence signal from mung beans is not totally random, but it seems to involve a process with a negative memory.

Maybe with Impossible Foods, but I don't see anything about RNA here:> The vegan meat substitutes are made from mixtures of pea protein isolates, rice protein, mung bean protein, canola oil, coconut oil, and other ingredients like potato starch, apple extract, sunflower lecithin, and pomegranate powder with a range of vitamins and minerals.

Mung definitions


erect bushy annual widely cultivated in warm regions of India and Indonesia and United States for forage and especially its edible seeds; chief source of bean sprouts used in Chinese cookery; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus