Mourning in a sentence as a noun

Internally, there has been much mourning and tribute to Steve.

For the last 3 months I've been quietly mourning and seeking out a replacement for HN.

What's worse is no one in my family understands, so it's like going into mourning solo.

Maybe, after a few years of mourning, apple might be able to do something really new.

We see some birds gathering around a corpse, we know that if we did that we would be "mourning", but that does not mean that they are.

Mourning in a sentence as an adjective

I only noticed it yesterday, so I'm assuming it's pg's way of signifying that HN is mourning the loss of Steve Jobs.

It strikes me to be a personal account by someone who's trying to make sense of the past and actually mourning what he believe is the death of old Google.

I know I am joined by many millions of others from around the world in mourning the passing of a true American hero and the best pilot I ever knew.

"I'm pretty sure that most people aren't thinking that explicitly, but I'm also pretty sure that in some corner of some people's minds there's the thought that they too want to be seen as mourning Steve, and that they might get some traffic from it.

Animals being in mourning during sudden deaths of their kinsmen and companions is something the pet keepers among the population knows very well - there just haven't been much of formal or scientific studies in the topic.

Mourning definitions


state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one

See also: bereavement


the passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief

See also: lamentation


sorrowful through loss or deprivation; "bereft of hope"

See also: bereaved bereft grief-stricken grieving