Credulity in a sentence as a noun

I'd like to see a tad less credulity in tales like this.

Your claim strains my credulity to the snapping point.

The blog post says that it is fine to take advantage of them for their credulity, but that's not an ethical position, that's just Ayn Rand.

Is every sci-fi novel taking place in the future going to have to be some spin-off of 1984 to maintain credulity?

Couple this with the fact that most programmers are introverts, and I'm always amazed at the credulity with which people accept these fizzbuzz claims.

There are a number of good books about how to improve reading skills, with various levels of credulity about "speed-reading" claims.

I was going to write a response, but the following comment from the site summarizes my thoughts: "If Staple's ambition says a lot about science as a business, then the credulity of his reviewers and colleagues speaks volumes about science as a religion.

“The great man”?Believing that the state of education and testing is the result of some powerful villain behind the curtain requires more credulity than simply attributing it to the massive complexity and inertia you describe.

The blogger here almost grasps what is wrong:> "Thats possibly the most horrifying bit of all: it simply defies credulity for anybody to be asked to believe that more than half the bonds issued in any given year are essentially free of any credit risk.

To me it appears the NSA revelations have been exploited by certain political factors, especially in Europe, to strengthen their own mass surveillance efforts; for example, it strains credulity for me to believe European efforts to get more services located in Europe because of the NSA revelations are really for your protection and not so the BND and other European surveillance organizations can access the servers directly without having to negotiate for them with the NSA in a ***-for-tat.

Credulity definitions


tendency to believe readily