Bereaved in a sentence as a noun

If you've been recently bereaved, then I'm sorry for your loss.

As one bereaved dad told me: “You wouldn’t be doing your job as a father if you didn’t.

I remember walking past the highschool that very night and seeing the crowd of the bereaved.

Is it because people don't die anymore, or is it because the bereaved no longer need the comfort of their friends?

> Facebook also offended a fair number of bereaved people with its Year in Review clips [...] The problem was that for some, these were pictures of dead loved ones.

[...] Facebook also offended a fair number of bereaved people with its Year in Review clips [...] The problem was that for some, these were pictures of dead loved ones.

If someone is called back to work early while lockdowns are still going on, the bereaved have someone to point their finger at and say "It's your fault this happened!

Bereaved in a sentence as an adjective

Ensure the bereaved mother takes her leave and also gets psychological counseling.

In the face of a sudden, unprepared death you offer condolences and give the bereaved person the customary 30 days.

I think that it'll speak volumes, not just to the bereaved parents, but also to the employees of Office Max, if the CEO were to demonstrate a true, deep apology.

If you ever go to a funeral and you hear someone say "Everybody liked him", please do the bereaved a favor and don't correct the technical flaw in their statement.

Wonder if their private plans for monetization involve blackmailing the bereaved relatives of the recently deceased.

A majority who seek to protest peacefully shouldn’t be confused with bands of miscreants.>But the rioting has nothing to do with George Floyd, whose bereaved relatives have condemned violence.

I think that when a relative dies it is important to make children part of the grieving process and to show how important family and friends are, how important it is to show support for the bereaved, and how important it is to live life knowing that it does not last for ever and that it is important to see the 'big picture'.I would like to add, condolences for your loss.

Bereaved definitions


a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved; "the bereaved do not always need to be taken care of"


sorrowful through loss or deprivation; "bereft of hope"

See also: bereft grief-stricken grieving