Monster in a sentence as a noun

The problem is they have created this monster of add-on services and items, all with little footnotes and gotchas.

Mainframes have a monster amount of I/O bandwidth with high transaction rates between their nodes and I/O devices.

I imagine this could do something similar, and a nice colour palette is a little more classy than a monster.

We heard stories that retailers loved it when we showed it off to them, but I already worked on multiple games with big buzz and lukewarm sales, so that didn't mean much to me. I was already pleasantly surprised when it became a modest success, much less the monster hit it eventually became.

Ironically, the record companies don't like how powerful Apple is but they've created the monster that is iTunes by first insisting on DRM and then shutting out other players.

We made a monster trap that drops tons of resources next to a powered railroad track, so you can get in a cart, whiz by monsters, after which they burn in lava, then their byproducts fall down a waterfall.

To label it as a police state is not quite apt, but to label it as some sort of monster that is an enemy to the advancement of human civilization would be supremely justified.

Some people are Youtube and have Eric layering sweet sugary syrup on their Pancakes whilst they discuss the beautiful synergies of a monster deal, but most of the time, the startup CEO is hustling it across the finish line.

That monster, custom, who all sense doth eat, Of habits *****, is angel yet in this, That to the use of actions fair and good He likewise gives a frock or livery, That aptly is put on. Refrain to-night; And that shall lend a kind of easiness To the next abstinence: the next more easy; For use almost can change the stamp of nature, And master evn the ***** or throw him out With wondrous potency.

But it is a monster we are perhaps comfortable with, and a monster that we are so familiar with that we do not even recognize it exists even when it is right there in front of us every hour of every day, we just let our eyes slide right over it and pretend it doesn't exist.

My issues:- I don't trust Facebook to not convert the user system into a Facebook connect monster and force it on me - I don't trust Facebook to not data mine my data and violate me and my user's privacy - I don't trust Facebook to let me export my data once I want to move on - I don't trust Facebook to actually delete data once I tell them to do so - I don't trust Facebook to not to attempt to monetize my users beyond the account fee that I pay

Monster definitions


an imaginary creature usually having various human and animal parts


someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful

See also: giant goliath behemoth colossus


a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed

See also: freak monstrosity


a cruel wicked and inhuman person

See also: fiend devil demon ogre


(medicine) a grossly malformed and usually nonviable fetus

See also: teras