Palette in a sentence as a noun

And in fact, for didactic emphasis, I just tried this on my phone -- where it works -- that has no color palette hardware at all.

A good artist can make you think you see any color they want to using nearly any available palette.

I imagine this could do something similar, and a nice colour palette is a little more classy than a monster.

The first thing I do when I visit is cycle my eyes around the strange margins full of clouds, because they're the brightest thing on the page.- The color palette is nuts.

I have a feeling a few years from now people are going to be writing stuff like: "Stop designing with a color palette that is appropriate for Fisher-Price.

Most condo and apartment rooms have the same 8' ceilings, the same muted palette, and virtually identical construction.

Since this is the task that palette generators typically set out to achieve, I tried a couple of them [1,2], as well as some "hand crafted" palettes found on design blogs [2,3].

This reminds me of the trick where you can create a GIF of more than 256 colors, by making an animated GIF with a different palette per frame and only selectively updating parts of the image.

The droll full-page lead image sets it apart, the color palette muted and neutral, simultaneously making it exactly like every other Medium blog entry you've seen lately.

Clearly we select ellipses more than we erase, which is bound to Shift-E...I've used it for a few personal projects out of curiosity, and I still don't understand how you're supposed to do basic things like make a color palette with it.

Palette definitions


the range of colour characteristic of a particular artist or painting or school of art

See also: pallet


board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used

See also: pallet


one of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor

See also: pallette