Monstrosity in a sentence as a noun

Having posts deleted, and watching a thread morph into a years long thousand post monstrosity.

That function definition is a monstrosity because it is poorly factored.

From an engineering point-of-view, it made perfect sense, but it would have been a hideous monstrosity that the city would have been stuck with for 50 years.

That's the first and only Ultrabook-class laptop I've seen since 2010 that'll actually be an "upgrade" without buying some thick "gaming" monstrosity.

When I started reading the article, I was expecting to scroll down and see photos of some kind of rhombus-shaped, barbed, Frankenstein monstrosity.

But if he simply stares at the thing as a senseless monstrosity that has somehow sprung up in his path, it is he and not the traditionalist who is suffering from an illusion.

We must need a new set of laws to stop this monstrosity, before it is too late and the balance of power shifts yet again!Businesses need to wake up: new technologies mean changes to the market.

Replacing dial controls with flush push buttons, or worse consolidated touchscreens that control virtually everything means either I don't get any control of my radio/AC/etc when I am moving or I risk running someone down because I'm too preoccupied dealing with the shitty no-affordance monstrosity of a UI you replaced a perfectly great thing with.

Monstrosity definitions


a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed

See also: freak monster


something hideous or frightful; "they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity"