Modeling in a sentence as a noun

Plus, it is not SQL focused - much time is spent on talking about data modeling.

I think what we're seeing is that our cognitive modeling capabilities have limits.

Like modeling a sword in Blender, pushing a button and having it available to all users of Skyrim.

As one of the authors of this work, I would like to add that our goal was to provide an open source foundation for modeling the hyperloop system.

Our initial work focused on the pod itself, but we want to expand it to include trajectory analysis as well as cost modeling.

Computer Science has allowed researchers to build much more realistic models using agent-based modeling.

It did not take much Excel modeling to figure out the approximate price points for Bitcoin where the exchanges' published margin requirements would trigger cascading margin calls.

Ruby also makes it very easy to write great Domain-Specific Languages that can be used as elegant alternatives to graphical user interface or data modeling tools.

There is a lot of software that goes onto a modern commercial engine, but the general theme of the software I focus on is the modeling of the underlying engine dynamics using sensor data.

You don't get lost in things you think you already knowyou learn concepts fresh and the language, because it's so weird and wild and totally abstract and you can't imagine using it for any real projectis as malleable and temporary as modeling clay.

I don't run across them very often at all, however, especially if we're talking about people without any formal mathematical training who are able to do solid mathematical or engineering modeling work.

Jacques de Vaucanson, the great artificer of the period, was concerned to understand the animate systems he was modeling; he constructed mechanical devices in order to formulate and validate theories of his animate models, not to satisfy some performance criterion.

Modeling definitions


sculpture produced by molding

See also: mold mould molding moulding


a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied

See also: modelling molding moulding


the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale)

See also: model modelling