Missed in a sentence as an adjective

It was not a missed shot at the trash can, it was just blithely dropped on the floor.

There's no explanation as to why the canon ball missed.

Brilliant comment in the original post, just in case anybody missed it"When I had my bathroom remodelled, at first I thought it was organized amazingly well and why couldnt software be like that?

> Former CEO Eric Schmidt admitted in an interview at the D conference in 2011 that he missed the boat on the rise of identity on the Internet.> “I clearly knew that I had to do something, and I failed to do it,” he said.

But, since you only made it through the few paragraphs of the paper, you missed an intuitive explanation that's right there on that page from an paper reproduced by that blog post:Stated informally, the k-means procedure consists of simply starting with k groups each of which consists of a single random point, and thereafter adding each new point to the group whose mean the new point is nearest.

We become intimately familiar with his three-year-old daughter's escapades with Cheerios and love of Phineas & Ferb.- Judging from the number of sirens, Jake apparently lives in a bad part of town or is watching Blues Brothers in the background.- Lucy has apparently joined while sitting in a conference room, attending another meeting simultaneously.- Robert joins 15 minutes late and would like everything he missed to be recapped.- Mark absolutely will not let the meeting progress unless someone is recording.

Missed definitions


not caught with the senses or the mind; "words lost in the din"

See also: lost