Misapprehend in a sentence as a verb

The author completely misapprehends what makes Siri state of the art.

If he doesn’t, it can only be because he misapprehends the fundamental nature of the State.

>You certainly didn't misapprehend the narrative this article is trying to push.

****, I worked for Republican congressional campaigns, twice!But you seem to misapprehend me, and maybe that's my fault.

This is remarkable for the terse confidence with which it is misapprehends the actual structure and content of the site.

"turned away" fundamentally misapprehends the travesty of justice here.

"So, in his view, there exists an "awareness" that acts as an independent, objective "observer" that is in the position to misapprehend and it is this "awareness" that is deluded about the mind?

Gmail's user experience is terrible in many ways, but I don't think it's fair to excoriate them for adding a feature that's not so idiot proof that not even one in a hundred users will misapprehend how to use it.

It's curious to me that so many people could so easily misapprehend the motives and ideology of so prominent a movement as militant Islamism and so prominent an organization as al qaeda.

What I am saying--and I understand that you understand this but for your question to have any rhetorical impact must misapprehend it--is that they must not be security-based features as it is full-stop unethical to charge a toll for basic security.

Misapprehend definitions


interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks"

See also: misconstrue misinterpret misconceive misunderstand