Misunderstand in a sentence as a verb

"I hope that the public don't misunderstand these two things.

Google higher-ups strike me as not so dumb that they'd misunderstand the crucial nature of that code...

* You misunderstand that a parody is not supposed to capture the full scope of something.

A problem with us as a tribe is that we tend to misunderstand the fact that most humans require conflict to reach for greatness.

I think most people misunderstand the intent of Turing's paper in which he describes his eponymous test.

But can they, can the individual partners, afford to misunderstand the technologies that will be driving more and more clients over time?

Please excuse me while I completely misunderstand this joke and write a fervent argument against something the author never argued.

So for me, writing beautiful code is mostly perfective maintenance anyway -- or do I misunderstand?

Imo a stubborn refusal to acknowledge mistakes/errors is a big weakness and pg is demonstrating that weakness with passive-aggressive pushbacks like the one on Twitter "Don't say things people want to misunderstand.

Misunderstand definitions


interpret in the wrong way; "Don't misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks"

See also: misconstrue misinterpret misconceive misapprehend