Miniscule in a sentence as an adjective

If you stay poor for very long after being done with school, your gains tend to be miniscule.

" I've worked for startups where I received a miniscule percentage of the company.

But there's still a strong vocal contingent which argues for webpages to still work fine with without JavaScript, despite it being a miniscule user base.

The performance hit from those things should either be miniscule or optimised away by the compiler as appropriate.

The risk from vaccines is miniscule, and "vaccine victim" is an appropriate way to castigate people who don't understand statistics.

My first computer was an Atari 800 connected to a miniscule ~7" television.

Those accidents are miniscule in comparison to the everyday operation of a coal plant.

It's less appealing when you realise that there's probably a miniscule fraction of WhatsApp users that don't have a Facebook account.> WhatsApp will remain autonomous and operate independently.

It's not just a matter of translation and miniscule expenses... there is real engineering work required to tap into international payments and understand how payments work on a country-by-country basis.

I wrote a series of small finite state machines, fully documented their use in the source code, and then replaced the entirety of all the portions of the source code I was in charge of with my miniscule finite state machines and their paltry data.

Primarily, the major factors in the Quill decision--the impossibility of tracking the multitude of state and local taxes and the miniscule size of the catalog market--are no longer relevant today.

Even if every software developer who started work in 1980 was still working today as a software developer, they would only constitute a small fraction of the current workforce because the number of software developers in 1980 was miniscule.

You could read it that way, or you could say that this miniscule altercation between a student and the dean of an Ivy League university, both part of an elite group that knows little about the real struggles the rest of the world faces on a daily basis, has been elevated to something important while its not and it's been given way too much attention than it deserves.

Would we really want pants to come with a permanently attached set of instructions on how to wear them, just in case someone who always wore skirts might one day try pants on a whim?A UI should be constructed for a userbase, and the "have never used a computer before, ever, but am trying right now and will only do this on my own" demographic for search engines is miniscule.

Miniscule definitions


very small; "a minuscule kitchen"; "a minuscule amount of rain fell"

See also: minuscule