Mindlessness in a sentence as a noun

When you surrender your brain to a stream of thoughts, is that what you define as "mindlessness"?

I would "come back" and be conscience about this mindlessness at some point near the end of the session.

I've been tending to view zombie works as metaphors for 'mindlessness'.

I think the contrast between mindfulness and mindlessness is more apt than that of thinking and non-thinking.

The Java platform has a lot of problem - and they are worth discussing - but mindlessness biases are pointless.

I was personally saved from a morning of mindlessness, and I will be soon opening up an IC or two to see for myself.

As for percentages and stuff, I'm at a loss; my bias is to assume mindlessness is more common than mindfulness regardless.

But by any reasonable metric, it's a terrible comment, and I would like to discourage such mindlessness.

"Perhaps comedic ridicule would bring attention to this mindlessness.

Actually, I think even "mindlessness" can have benefits: everyone knows the value of relaxation or even meditation.

Do they raise or lower the quality of discourse here?Some discussions devolve very quickly into name-calling, negativity, and mindlessness.

"The many others who reacted to the mindlessness and cruelty of the universe by deciding not to produce more suffering, who chose not to have children, by so doing eliminated themselves from the equation.

And here i thought programmers shed their stereotypically-poor social dispositions when we left high-school and recognized the world was bigger than trying to be the "cool person".How in the 7 hells has a casual joke escalated to such mindlessness?

Mindlessness definitions


total lack of meaning or ideas

See also: inanity senselessness vacuity pointlessness


the trait of acting rashly and without prudence

See also: heedlessness rashness