Pointlessness in a sentence as a noun

The Wikipedia guy was the worst in terms of sheer pointlessness though.

And in the classes most imperiled by pointlessness, there homework usually takes the form of essays.

I interpreted what he and I both said as a statement of the pointlessness of this ongoing debate that everyone knows has no end.

By willfully playing this role better than those born and trained to it, the Dandy reveals the pointlessness of the socially adapted.

What I was arguing for is the pointlessness of bringing up this argument in light of the questionable returns of a moon enterprise.

It's basically a way for those who are secure in their own identity to inform others of the essential pointlessness of their existence.

"Politics articles in general are an utter black hole for intelligent discussion, but this one is also a portal into a completely new dimension of pointlessness.

If you disagree, I curse and damn you to ten years of supporting incompatible highly-similar formats, after which I am certain you will see the utter pointlessness of it and the ease with which it can be averted and agree with me.

"You set up a nice concise statement of Sartrean pointlessness, and then you appear to invalidate it completely with such a broad notion full of Big-Picture-Feel-Good-Meaningfulness as "contributing to humanity.

This story amounts to calling Ethiopians idiots for taking an algorithm suited for positionally represented numbers - or at least numbers in some kind of a concise representation - and using it in a totally unnecessary way with numbers represented as groups of stones, and not understanding the pointlessness of all the drudgery.

Pointlessness definitions


total lack of meaning or ideas

See also: inanity senselessness mindlessness vacuity