Militant in a sentence as a noun

Just wanted to point out that not all atheists are militant fire breathing monsters.

Then you're on the hook to pay money to Muslim militants, or your family suffers.

Use "homophobe" and get classified as gay or a militant feminist.

I really wonder if this type of almost-militant napalm style PR will be handled so deftly.

Could that get all the militant atheists and the militant reli-nuts to lay down their weapons and do a little group hug?

Colin, you are now officially the most militantly nerdy person I know.

So, "Reddit" isn't readying for anything- just some overly militant subreddits.

Militant in a sentence as an adjective

> "If you want to fight militant Islam, the first thing to do is to limit immigration from those countries and spread the immigrants out to force assimilation.

Pointing out verbally militant discrimination that causes a conference to be cancelled isn't a strawman, it is a reality.

The US backed militant jihadists when a movement usually known as "arab nationalism" was thriving in the region and had vast popular support.

Think on par with "Fox News commentary," except militant feminism instead of hyperconservative.

"The only real sexism prevalent in the tech industry are the groups of militant feminists setting up endless, patronizing, segregated "coding for girls" meetups.

Also initially reported killed was militant Ibrahim al-Bana.

Militant definitions


a militant reformer

See also: activist


disposed to warfare or hard-line policies; "militant nations"; "hawkish congressman"; "warlike policies"

See also: hawkish warlike


showing a fighting disposition; "highly competitive sales representative"; "militant in fighting for better wages for workers"; "his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy"

See also: competitive


engaged in war; "belligerent (or warring) nations"

See also: belligerent war-ridden warring