Hawkish in a sentence as an adjective

I think a lot of people are confused with the hawkish name of this institution.

Mods are insanely hawkish about the rules which slightly turned me off when I first subscribed.

But it's naive to think he's not extremely hawkish on national security.

Or perhaps you're refering to the hawkish attitude taken towards Iran and syria?

We're unlikely to agree about this as I have a considerably more hawkish view on foreign policy matters than you do, I think.

Despite Obama being the most hawkish Democrat in living memoryI'm afraid to say that you're the victim of propaganda.

I don't regard it as hawkish to respond militarily to significant emergent threats or actual attacks.

Indeed, that front would be unified bloc, with the 65+ crowd along with the usual hawkish conservatives, if not for the sole fact that this was revealed under Obama's watch.

Democrats realized that being hawkish on security was the path to votes right around when Obama ran as "the guy who shot Osama bin Laden in the head.

Much as only Nixon could go to China, a reset of the financial sector could only come from some prominent Republican, and a fiscally hawkish one at that.

Given his hawkish nature, I'd be surprised if he was actually that upset about it, but this article makes it seem like he's equally upset that we were doing it and that it was being run in such a poor manner.

But it was also partly due to traditional DC power politics -- these congresspeople were on the hawkish, national-security-oriented end of the spectrum, and pulling together all the little agencies that tended to their pet issues into One Big Agency would give that agency more budgetary and bureaucratic clout, making their views more prominent.

From what I saw, I would give importance to your statement: "But it was also partly due to traditional DC power politics -- these congresspeople were on the hawkish, national-security-oriented end of the spectrum, and pulling together all the little agencies that tended to their pet issues into One Big Agency would give that agency more budgetary and bureaucratic clout, making their views more prominent.

Hawkish definitions


disposed to warfare or hard-line policies; "militant nations"; "hawkish congressman"; "warlike policies"

See also: militant warlike