Membership in a sentence as a noun

Imagine that EFF had the membership and money that the NRA has.

"Looking back, I should have bought a membership to Butchs and spent a few hours there while the car charged.

"NYTimes article: "Looking back, I should have bought a membership to Butchs and spent a few hours there while the car charged.

Yeah, I'm incredulous that anyone could argue that VIP membership is obvious.

It is free with Prime membership and gives you further discounts if you subscribe to ordering baby stuff like formula, diapers etc.

That doesn't include the VIP membership... In fact the only indication on the entire page that you're joining the VIP scheme is the magenta link you mentioned.

There are sometimes partnerships between groups with different specialities; usually this occurs when there is an overlap in membership.

Registration Fee: This is approximately $12 paid when a borrower first joins Zidisha, and provides lifetime membership.

I'm still probably going to cancel my Dropbox membership simply because I have free 100gigs google drive that I got when I bought my chromebook [1] and this gives me a great excuse to transfer over and save some money.

A peculiarity of local geography is that we find that the two Costco stores at our end of the Twin Cities metropolitan area are just never on our way to anywhere else, so we let our Costco membership lapse after just one year.

Membership definitions


the body of members of an organization or group; "they polled their membership"; "they found dissension in their own ranks"; "he joined the ranks of the unemployed"

See also: rank


the state of being a member