Manufacturer in a sentence as a noun

Almost all the cost in a drug is the manufacturer recouping R&D costs.

The price of the car stays the same, though, so the manufacturer gets to keep the difference as extra profit.

The manufacturer / supplier suggests a price, but the retailer makes the final call.

"We're a Chinese manufacturer owned by the Chinese government, so we won't use Korean LCDs.

Do people seriously think every component in the new car they're buying was made by the car manufacturer?

Then as time passes the manufacturer slowly strips those touches out, replacing them with cheaper alternatives or just dropping them altogether.

Even with this rear-guard action in New Jersey, Teslas can be bought direct from the manufacturer just a short distance away or via remote ordering.

Michael Dell used to stock shelves in his youth, should newspapers run headlines like 'shelf stocker taking computer manufacturer private in 25B leveraged buyout'?

A landlord, a farmer, a master manufacturer, or merchant, though they did not employ a single workman, could generally live a year or two upon the stocks, which they have already acquired.

So an informal non-aggression pact is nice, but absolutely no automobile manufacturer would rely on that when a new car costs a significant fraction of a billion dollars to bring to market.

They both get pigeon-holed as Apple apologists because Apple is the only major electronics manufacturer that seems to care one iota about these things, but when another company comes along and gets theses details right, neither Marco or Gruber will hesitate to praise them.

On top of that with those useless patents they get to act as if they owned the whole of Android, and get to dictate manufacturers how to make their Android phones?I have no words for Microsoft, they're simply despicable and I don't know how anyone could support such a company that has proven time and time again they will adopt such tactics to destroy their competition.

HTC has grown 3x every year for the past 2 years because of Android, and Samsung has become the largest smartphone manufacturer surpassing both Nokia and Apple thanks to Android, and they say nothing against Microsoft or try to protect the ecosystem that's been feeding them?Shame on them for not standing up to Microsoft, and kudos to B&N, which wasn't even a manufacturer not too long ago, for having the guts to stand up Microsoft and protect the Android ecosystem.

Manufacturer definitions


a business engaged in manufacturing some product

See also: maker


someone who manufactures something

See also: producer