Mantelpiece in a sentence as a noun

Or you keep them on the mantelpiece, but that could be the quadruple trick answer...

What I never got was the "make a set and then glue it all up and put it on the mantelpiece" attitude.

They don't want to protect citizens, they just want Google's head on the mantelpiece, and Apple's and Facebook's...

I could even save that data on a 2D surface, then set the archive as a physical object on my mantelpiece.

The on St. John's grad I know well used to have a copy of a book including "On Computable Numbers" on his mantelpiece.

I also expect them to show up to award ceremonies and accept their mantelpiece trophies with good grace and concise speeches.

Your average papers, mantelpiece objects, assorted stuff, and of course phone and laptops in case of need, fit very well in the drawers and in the top compartment.

Mantelpiece definitions


shelf that projects from wall above fireplace; "in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece"

See also: mantel mantle mantlepiece chimneypiece