Multiplicity in a sentence as a noun

Don't you?Two wrongs don't make a right; they're just a multiplicity of wrongs.

There's also some question of multiplicity effects as well.

There are a multiplicity of educational reform ideas out there, and some work better than others.

All of this conflict leads to multiplicity of efforts, left-against-right work, and weird indirections that sap our efficiency.

Twitter is a good additional news source because it is unfiltered and because of the multiplicity of sources, although we need to adapt to taking news in this form.

The experiments were designed to represent a single element of large scale design, so scale up is related more to multiplicity than redefining heat and mass fluxes.”This experiment was done so they could scale up production of power by just adding more of these.

"For over a decade prophets have voiced the contention that the organization of a single computer has reached its limits and that truly significant advances can be made only by interconnection of a multiplicity of computers in such a manner as to permit cooperative solution.

If consciousness is not something that arises out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions, then is the alternative that consciousness is unrelated to the multiplicity of relatively simple interactions but by sheer coincidence vanishes when those interactions are disrupted?

Multiplicity definitions


the property of being multiple


a large number

See also: numerousness numerosity