Mania in a sentence as a noun

Its obvious that McAfee is in a state of mania.

As an "outsider" to Bitcoin-mania, I have to point out how absurd a post like this reads.

I did this in a burst of mania over a few days more than a year ago and only pushed it to github as an afterthought.

I strongly suspect that the testing mania you get on all the technical support lines comes from a mania by companies to control/pressure their customer support people and those people more or less passing along this pressure.

But plenty of people have bipolar mood disorders, with various mood patterns over time, and bipolar mood disorders are tricky to treat, because some treatments that lift mood simply move patients from depression into mania.

That's why a careful physician always asks about a patient's personal history when beginning treatment of someone seeking treatment for depression, to avoid starting out with treatments likely to trigger mania.

Patients who have a history of both low and high mood states have to be particularly careful in choosing medicines, because some effective antidepressant medicines can prompt episodes of mania.

"Forget the complete absence of the evidence I asked for, this seemed like it was written by someone in the throes of full-blown psychosis or mania or schizophrenia with meaningless plans to somehow revolutionize the world.

I'm not going to into a huge essay against pricing being rational but history has shown time and again that prices reach irrational exuberance; tulip mania and trading sardines are not merely historical phenomenon.

It's tough to develop an animal model of the psychotic symptoms of mania, which is why this is not an easy problem to solve--how to develop a drug that makes depressed patients enjoy normal mood states without breaking through to florid mania.

Severe sleep deprivation can result in all the psychotic symptoms of florid mania even for most people without a medical history of mood disorders, and it is particularly dangerous for people who have already been through an episode of mania.

"So the Reinhart-Rogoff fiasco needs to be seen in the broader context of austerity mania: the obviously intense desire of policy makers, politicians and pundits across the Western world to turn their backs on the unemployed and instead use the economic crisis as an excuse to slash social programs."Amen.

What most excites researchers about the ketamine studies is not a prospect of using ketamine itself as a frequent first-line drug for treating depression, but rather as a model for understanding brain function better and eventually developing new ***** that are even longer-lasting for treating depression and even less likely to trigger mania.

Mania definitions


an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

See also: passion cacoethes


a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently