Major in a sentence as a noun

HN does not need any major overhaul or whatever else. I think a lot of this is just old-timers starting to see the same **** over and again.

Yet when startups have major f* ups, the conversation is much different. Lets all admit change is slow and that paypal is still one of the more trusted payment solutions accepted globally.

Nacchio warned major stakeholders that all of the major QWest contracts were about to go belly up. The US government threw Nacchio in prison for insider trading.

Over time, Mars cooled to the point where the major forms of tectonics ceased. The water locked up beneath the ground, rusted out pulverized basalt dust from the asteroid impacts, and frizzled in the radiation-baked atmosphere, floating off.

Preferably something that someone else is already paying money for but that the incumbent product is shitty or lacking in some major way. Fix it or make it signficantly cheaper.

It's different when you are younger and everything is new, you just chalk up a major tooling change as just something else to learn. But when the next hot platform or architecture or whatever comes out you get tired of running in exactly the same place.

Major in a sentence as a verb

A major difference between NSA employees and the rest of us is that they can easily stop what they're doing. Let's hope their pitiful loss of morale leads them to develop a conscience, respect for the law, or whatever it takes to stop doing things that lead to feeling so bad.

I find that going into a thread an hour or two old and seeing comments with 50-100 points is a major disincentive to commenting, even if I have something to say. That comment or couple of comments and their resulting threads are going to make sure very few people ever read what I've written.

YC is the smartest group of people I’ve ever worked with, and I believe that startups are going to be the major driver for innovation and economic growth going forward. I was thinking this morning about what it was like to start a startup in early 2005 and how much it’s changed now.

For those who think that "we all know essentially how this will end", think about what the world would look like if every major change had been met with this kind of pitiful attitude. Every revolution, every change for the better, has come out of people rejecting that sentiment.

I'm holding out for the other side of the story, but unless you're willing to assume the entire thing is invented this is a major fuckup for GitHub. I think this is a classic problem with companies making the transition from small startup to regular business. Break down the barriers!

I was pretty new to engineering in general back then, and as a biology major with no real professional experience, I didn't have an easy time getting internships. Jenny, the manager of the YUI team back then, really took a chance on me, and that really changed my entire career path.

Major in a sentence as an adjective

About six months after that advisory, I heard from a major aircraft manufacturer that they had been using the BSD telnetd code to provide a channel for in-flight tuning of engine performance. This is why I award bug bounties for punctuation errors in comments in the Tarsnap source code -- it encourages people to read all the code, not just the interesting bits.

I'm enrolled in a public institution pursuing a double major, working two jobs because I'm also middle class. I have a good -- not great -- GPA, and I get to do amazing and interesting things every day; I got into programming after volunteering with a CS major -- I learned about HN, ironically, from my Finance professor.

Corporations are not particularly hard or expensive to start, maintain, or dissolve - but you need to be at a stage of life where a thousand dollars here or there is not a major burden. If you are not yet at that stage, that is a different story and there is no doubt that forming or dissolving an entity such as this will normally set you back a thousand or two on either side.

I've worked with major publishers on past projects with excellent results, have received multiple major offers from major publishers for my upcoming projects, and have firm plans to self-publish new projects in the near future. Early in my career, I also spent time negotiating with retailers like Walmart at a large consumer goods manufacturer.

And this is the major factor not grasped by those today who assume that society is evolving to a point that, if only right-thinking people with good motives are given enough power over our lives, they will somehow magically transform society for the good through government action. In reality, if any persons - right-thinking or not - are given largely unchecked authority over our lives, abuses will inevitably follow.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of power holders agree that aggressive spying is a good idea. This is closely related to their strong preference for maintaining the status quo across the board. We should not be surprised that Obama did not reverse any of Bush's controversial decisions because they were not actually controversial among those with power or with the potential to gain power. Generally speaking, when an issue is touted as being highly controversial between the major parties, it consists of 98% solid agreement and 2% hyped up disagreement.

Major definitions


a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain


British statesman who was prime minister from 1990 until 1997 (born in 1943)

See also: Major


a university student who is studying a particular field as the principal subject; "she is a linguistics major"


the principal field of study of a student at a university; "her major is linguistics"


have as one's principal field of study; "She is majoring in linguistics"


of greater importance or stature or rank; "a major artist"; "a major role"; "major highways"


greater in scope or effect; "a major contribution"; "a major improvement"; "a major break with tradition"; "a major misunderstanding"


greater in number or size or amount; "a major portion (a majority) of the population"; "Ursa Major"; "a major portion of the winnings"


of the field of academic study in which one concentrates or specializes; "his major field was mathematics"


of a scale or mode; "major scales"; "the key of D major"


of greater seriousness or danger; "a major earthquake"; "a major hurricane"; "a major illness"


of full legal age


of the elder of two boys with the same family name; "Jones major"