Magnanimous in a sentence as an adjective

I'm surprised PG isn't a bit more magnanimous towards them.

It's not like banks of yesteryear were so magnanimous.

Golly, how magnanimous of you, it is almost as if you are a human.

The game to get into that seat is not exactly set in favor of the magnanimous nice guys.

I'll certainly never make that mistake again, but I'll be magnanimous and help the next poor fool.

That's not, per se, being magnanimous or generous, it's being smart businessmen.

I wanted investors who believed in what we were doing, not some uncle with money who might think he was being magnanimous.

I can point to many examples of words and actions of theirs that would suggest they'd advocate for a more magnanimous path.

To be magnanimous, Id say it is only declining for narrow minded tech people who can see past their area of expertise.

And is this because it will make you rich with your bitcoin stash, or because somehow "Society Needs This" and you'll just happen to get rich while being so magnanimous.

" Instead, he continued to be generous and magnanimous, but he took responsibility for drawing and enforcing his own boundaries.

Normal cordial conversation requires generous and magnanimous listeners who fill in the implied qualifiers for a speaker.

The man who tells a lie to help a poor ***** out of trouble, is one of whom the angels doubtless say, "Lo, here is an heroic soul who casts his own welfare in jeopardy to succor his neighbor's; let us exalt this magnanimous liar.

Magnanimous definitions


noble and generous in spirit; "a greathearted general"; "a magnanimous conqueror"

See also: greathearted


generous and understanding and tolerant; "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies"

See also: large