Luckless in a sentence as an adjective

In luckless 2-player games, the party that wins is the party that played better.

Never in all Nicky's twenty years of luckless reign had he heard so many spontaneous hurrahs.

"Was there a significant age difference between the luckless candidate and the customer?

This is another difference to the garden bridge: the luckless inhabitants of Lambeth were going to have to pony up for a bridge they would have to pay again to use...

But taking out your anger on the luckless human fodder that these people have insulated themselves with is galacticly uninformed.

Just a small niggle, but don't you mean "helpless" as opposed to "hapless"?Helpless: "unable to help oneself; weak or dependent"Hapless: "unlucky; luckless; unfortunate.

How about compelling every luckless individual who lives along the subject's morning commute to turn over all video and image files because it might help them in their investigation.

Notwithstanding the jacked-up costs of first-party parts and service, this policy idles farm equipment at very inconvenient times, occasionally ruining the luckless owner of Deere equipment.

The harm is restricted to those luckless individuals who purchased a Lenovo laptop in the particular time frame at issue; quite possibly a crime, but not, playing *****'s advocate for reluctant prosecutors, a 'something must be seen to be done or I'll be lynched' level crime.

> so unaccomodating are the owners of doorways, passages and angles, that they seem to have exhausted invention in the ridiculous barricadoes and shelves, grooves, and one fixed above another, to conduct the stream into the shoes of the luckless wight who shall dare to profane the intrenchments.

You got -- pulsasive passages passing the mic and hot hallelujahs when verses you write and your sin is your savior your song is your life and your words are like wonders to wandering fifes pipin’ ceremony: poets, you’re man, words your wife and your honeymoon orbits around your love like metronomic metros keepin’ time to the heartbeat of your heavenly drums – Poet, breathe now because you might have something to say because peace might depend on your piece because you breathe and that air might help your brain tell your heart to keep pumping one more cycle and that blood might help your lips form one last word that hits the audience hard – because we are all made from the same elements and we all breathe the same air so celebrate our mutual recipes of existence by persisting to stay alive ducking sageless luckless ages like intellectual hippies!

Luckless definitions


having or bringing misfortune; "Friday the 13th is an unlucky date"

See also: unlucky