Loose-fitting in a sentence as an adjective

They do not filter the air—they are far too porous and loose-fitting to filter.

If I 'have to' travel or something at some point I figure used FFP3 beats piece of loose-fitting cloth.

I do not want to be a Buddhist, sitting around in loose-fitting clothing feeling perfect happiness.

I agree though, there's something very attractive about a woman in slacks, sneakers, and a loose-fitting Guns-N-Roses tshirt.

This is cut and pasted from the CDC. Read about what surgical masks do "protects the wearer's nose and mouth from contact with droplets, splashes and sprays that may contain germs".Surgical masksAlso called a medical mask, a surgical mask is a loose-fitting disposable mask that protects the wearer's nose and mouth from contact with droplets, splashes and sprays that may contain germs.

Loose-fitting definitions


not fitting closely; hanging loosely; "baggy trousers"; "a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather"

See also: baggy sloppy