Baggy in a sentence as an adjective

Because kids in teh suburbs don't wear baggy jeans and hoodies.

I think if he were wearing baggy jeans and gold-chains, the thuggish comment would have made more sense.

I don't see any Raiders jackets, or any baggy jeans/tee-shirts.

It is a fantastic bit of kit that fits in baggy trouser pockets fine, or in a handbag.

Would you be less scared if they were white and wearing argyle sweaters instead of black hoodies and baggy pants?

I've got some heinous pictures of me wearing a suit jacket that was much too large and dress pants that were far too baggy.

The clothing has nothing to obstruct other than movement, but it looks baggy enough such that it doesn't do this either.

The author is informed that any attire is acceptable except for baggy jeans.

Allowing people to discriminate based on cultural markers like baggy jeans instead of skin color is creating a loophole.

Now, instead of wearing suits, if he wears baggy jeans that almost fall off his butt, puts on a few tatoos, nose rings to match, and starts doing seemingly illegal things.

Wearing a baggy coat and making sideways glance at the staff because you're worried they may come over may flag you as a shoplifter and attract their attention.

How would you feel if it was a bunch of black guys in argyle sweaters?How would you feel if it was a bunch of white guys in hoodies and baggy pants, who suddenly cross the street and start heading your way?

I had stoned-looking, unshaven, greasy-haired teenagers in ripped clothes and baggy jeans stagger into my store as if they were stoned out of their minds, throw down a folded-in-quarters resume on the counter, and say 'I'd like a job'.

Does my single experience make it more likely that random black men dressed a certain way will turn out to be violent toward me?Would you be less scared if they were white and wearing argyle sweaters instead of black hoodies and baggy pants?Probably.

It's a lose-lose situation for everyone.> I'm somewhat convinced that the new security measures don't really help much...Every time I go through patdowns and realize that I never took my baggy of >3oz "medical" fluids and sprays out of my carryon luggage, I feel so safe.

Baggy definitions


not fitting closely; hanging loosely; "baggy trousers"; "a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather"

See also: loose-fitting sloppy