Liberation in a sentence as a noun

If any Hackers want to take part in knowledge liberation we'd love to hear from you.

Unfortunately, you need to keep it quite cold to prevent premature liberation of the water.

We should have an easier time than our parents, but do we?I feel that some force is trying to extract as much work from "us" as possible, sometimes even selling it to us as a liberation.

Way back in the early 1970s, I thought, evidently overoptimistically, that women's liberation would be a force to make it possible for dads to spend more time with their children if the dads so chose.

As someone who spends a good deal of time alone because I enjoy solitary pursuits, I disagree with the article when it claims that alone time is a form of "liberation", "freedom", and gaining "control".

Authors from the women's liberation perspective used to argue that that is one of the best reasons to hire former homemakers as they return to the outside-the-home paid labor force--it takes strong personal organization skills to take care of young children.

Liberation definitions


the act of liberating someone or something

See also: release freeing


the attempt to achieve equal rights or status; "she worked for women's liberation"


the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

See also: dismissal dismission discharge firing release sack sacking