Freeing in a sentence as a noun

At the time I was going through a youthful phase of freeing myself from worldly attachment.

Soon they'll also have a fully funded pension system, freeing up even more cash.

Maybe someone should write a bot that replays these tedious discussions, freeing up people to do more productive work.

It has no impact on the internet, other than freeing up a whole bunch of domain names, thereby lowering the price for everybody.

The word "unlock" indicates minor action will bring great improvement, freeing me from possibly-unsuspected constraints.

And this doesn't just apply to virtual disks, such techniques are also used by operating systems when freeing pages of memory - when a page of memory is no longer being used, why zero it right away?

"JSX offers a solid class system much like the Java programming language, freeing the developers from working with the too-primitive prototype-based inheritance system provided by JavaScript.

Freeing definitions


the act of liberating someone or something

See also: liberation release