Letting in a sentence as a noun

Someone with management skill should have step in and tell the founder "stop letting your wife to come in!

Why should I be more comfortable letting Google back up my stuff instead of Dropbox?

" Sorry, he can be smarter than Einstein but I ain't letting him near production code.

But the overriding goal of letting founders spread some of their risk is completely bona fide.

I'm not sure what is more damaging - letting the li-ion battery drop below 70%, or charge it while the laptop is being used.

Maybe there ought to be some limits in an urban context on absolute free space-letting if this creates nuisances or the like.

Can we also skip the submissions asking people not to post things instead of just letting the community decide the same way it's been done for years?

This resistance or letting skills get old can come from two sources: First, some people just are kinda blub programmers who never want to learn something new.

If you think this is a trend of the past decade, then you either weren't a gamer in the '90s, or you are letting nostalgia colour your perceptions.

I don't know what it is, exactly, other than letting me solve the problem my own way with my own code and my own tools, but if I do that, then it's not "something you would give your employees right now if they weren't so busy," right?

It is always a trade-off between optimum investor protections and practical limitations on such protections in the name of letting legitimate capital formation get done.

What's ridiculous about everybody bending over backwards for the Netflix usecase is that Hollywood isn't letting Netflix have the content anyway because they want to control and destroy yet another medium.

Only difference I can see is the source of the money, so are you against the idea of companies letting their devs work on open source?There's this attitude in the open source world that somehow developers getting directly paid for open source is evil.

Why, when these leaders are allowed to lord it over us as they see fit, should they suddenly develop scruples in gathering information that only serves to enhance their power to do what we are already letting them do without so much as a peep of principled opposition?Privacy is in significant peril, and it is a serious loss when Groklaw goes down over this issue.

Letting definitions


property that is leased or rented out or let

See also: lease rental