Lapsing in a sentence as a noun

We kept in touch via email for a time, before lapsing.

As far as I can remember, I've always been able to change the colour of the top bar, although it may just be my lapsing memory.

If the user is continually engaging with the system, there's less of a risk of the user's attention lapsing.

One accidental lapsing could cause more pain than a hundred accidental renewals.

You can't claim certainty is per se evil without lapsing into hypocritical contradiction.

Take, for instance, this gentleman [1] on YouTube with Aspergers and Tourettes lapsing into a state similar to low-functioning autism.

What is not fine is trying to define this happy life as a "failed business" and trying to calculate the "ROI" of your fun, then lapsing into despair because the spreadsheet has a zero in it.

Maybe he had a rhetorical reason for lapsing into grammatically half-baked jargon: he's suggesting he's too stupid or careless to be guilty of a premeditated logo theft.

Lapsing definitions


a failure to maintain a higher state

See also: backsliding lapse relapse relapsing reversion reverting