Kowtow in a sentence as a noun

Your argument is that google should kowtow to power?No thanks.

Even if they have to kowtow to all of Apple's demands, it must be a good deal.

Given the way most countries kowtow to the US and Britain, where could one work from without problem?

I don't believe there is any country in the world, except Russia and China, that will not kowtow to US when pressured.

But they'll do it regardless of what degree we try to kowtow to their religious sensitivities.

I'm pretty sure "aggressive" here means "didn't kowtow to the TSA workers enough and mumbled something about him having some 'rights'".

A London based company is under no obligations to kowtow to the PR wishes of the whitehouse, or the president's pet organization.

Kowtow in a sentence as a verb

That market, which is hundreds of millions of phones per year, was always going to go to whichever competitor which managed to both copy the iphone the best and kowtow to the carriers.

The Instagram/Sparrow problem combined with tendancy of almost every company to kowtow to the advertising industry is a valid concern for me.

That always seemed so slimy to me - like saying "I probably still believe what I always believed, but I will kowtow to the PC gods and make a PR move to save my job without ever actually standing up for what I believe.

I think the real issue cuts in rather the other direction: founder-operators who kowtow to VC partners to preserve their reputations and future fundability, come what may to the employees they recruited to their doomed company.

In general web developers seem to kowtow to the most to ridiculous compatibility requirements--how many still fret about IE6 and IE7 compatibility?In no other industry do consumers get that kind of luxury.

Maybe they just hate open source conferences!And then they go on to describe how they refuse to kowtow to the obviously made up "needs of paypal's anti-fraud division".There are lots of reasons to get mad at paypal but all too often the formula "We understood nothing about business, didn't even bother to familiarize ourselves with the law or financial regulations, and somehow problems resulted!

Kowtow definitions


a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission

See also: kotow


bend the knees and bow in a servile manner

See also: scrape genuflect


try to gain favor by cringing or flattering; "He is always kowtowing to his boss"

See also: fawn toady truckle bootlick kotow