Knitting in a sentence as a noun

Wait, but I'm knitting, back to the girlfriend idea, maybe?

My wife uses it to monitor knitting sites and to watch for search terms to bring up results on craigslist.

Maybe it's because knitting & crochet patterns look a lot like code, complete with for-loops and while-loops.

If you're an enthusiastic teen putting up a web page for your mother's knitting circle, it's fantastic!

To manufacture, we use seamless knitting machines meaning the body of the shirt does not have any stitches on it.

One of my friends had everyone endorse him for "knitting" and "problem gambling"... The fact that these are even options is laughable.

What prevents someone from knitting them together, with a little hardware interfacing?

Could you argue that knitting isn't really a craft as most people just want sweaters that work over sweaters that show some amount of professional craftsmanship quality?

I got the idea from a knitting magazine where someone described a blanket with a chart of prime numbers that fascinated a student who walked by who was in a remedial math class.

Implementing ciphers is one thing, knitting them together into a secure protocol is something very different and very challenging.

But, similarly, you're not going to get very far into developing a knitting pattern generator without understanding knitting - but that doesn't mean you can't be a developer unless you can knit.

Other popular activities include knitting, gardening, hiking, sudoku, crosswords, reading, fantasy football, Angry Birds, writing comments on message boards, and, ahem, hacking.

"If you don't absolutely love your job, quit" is a great sentiment if you live in a utopian fairyland where you can comfortably support yourself knitting sweaters or playing video games or whatever it is you might love to do.

" It's really fun and really interesting, and personally I would love for more people to get to experience math, but I'm sure the same could be said of classical music, or poetry, or knitting or pretty much anything else that people find stimulating.

Death by warfare is on the decline, poverty globally is decreasing, affluence is increasing, technology is rapidly improving, communications are knitting together all cultures and regions of the world in ways we can't fully appreciate even while it's happening.

For example by a pseudo-empathic bot that tells them the same **** they hear all day in the US, which sounds nice but is the culturally accepted way to say "Please either pretend to be happy, or shut up" [1].Please generously apply the hacker mentality to software, arduinos, knitting, cooking and art, if you like.

Knitting definitions


needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine

See also: knit knitwork


creating knitted wear