Kneecap in a sentence as a noun

"This seems like a great way to kneecap your business.

" Maybe it was the people, maybe just the neighborhood, but I'd kneecap myself before I went back.

But there's a place to make them; discussing how the Congress is trying to kneecap the Internet is not one of those places.

Our only hope is that some of these Russian investors are actually mobsters that will kneecap him when the IPO flops.

A delay that large will basically kneecap any attempt at drawing attention to players' reaction to a change.

Sure, delis would have zero incentive to pay protection money to the mob, if there weren't alternatives, like a busted kneecap.

Kneecap in a sentence as a verb

I think the market will shake this out in the long run. Vendors that kneecap themselves with overzealous mods and fall behind in updates are going to get a bad reputation eventually.

Here I show that it is unbreakable until long after the stars cool, and no amount of kneecap cryptography will lessen the adversery's burden.

Why would anyone attempt to kneecap thousands of unpaid, volunteer experimenters, who are constantly sharing with the world what were learning about how money works?

I'm 21 years old and I spend most of my time sitting in front of a computer either slumped or with my feet up on the seat and my head resting on my kneecap or similarly poor posture.

Since ceasing my treatment four months ago after researching causes for the cartilage damage in my right kneecap, I have been transformed from a healthy and sport-playing science undergraduate to finding even typing this message uncomfortable because of pains in my fingers.

I would bet coffee and doughnuts that it's less that Universal's lawyers believe that than that Universal's executives have ordered the legal team to use anything they can find, no matter how flimsy, to attempt to kneecap Grooveshark and other things that inconvenience the old-media cartel.

Kneecap definitions


a small flat triangular bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint

See also: patella kneepan


shoot in the kneecap, often done by terrorist groups as a warning; "They kneecapped the industrialist"