Junkie in a sentence as a noun

You can become a mindless factoid junkie from any source of factoids.

" - I totally agree with Joel here, and disagree with you. I've spent the last 5 years pretty much a news junkie.

I help teams become more Agile, and I'm a startup junkie, so all I care about is performance here.

I'm an information junkie and RSS readers have made it far easier for me to keep up with the torrent of information out there.

You'd think that a self-styled "programming junkie" wouldn't confuse strong and static typing, or weak and dynamic typing.

And despite the burning scars of previous disappointments, I pledge 20 quid like a sad, pathetic junkie whose rehab never quite took hold.

We're part of the new curiosity-junkie generation, that is getting all that they ever craved for and more from the internet.

There were tons of "special" insiders that helped facilitate both the philandering junkie and the presidency.

Anyone who says things like this is clearly an iPhone junkie and not really paying attention to the larger picture, and the fact that web apps are quickly catching up to iPhone app experiences, and are quickly going to overtake them.

Part of that maybe been because of one time benefits of becoming an online junkie-- finding your essays, seeing some of Steve Pavlina's older pieces, learning about a wide variety of niche interests, etc...Since getting to HN, I'd say that about 1/3 to 1/4 of the front page has been consistently interesting.

> Drug use is a health-related issue, whether it is a doctor prescribing medications, a patient taking meds off-label, a person self-medicating, an addict, or some kind experimentation> We have a caricatured view of the drug addict -- the unwashed, illiterate, toothless junkie hiding out in a crack house.

Junkie definitions


a narcotics addict

See also: junky


someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; "a golf addict"; "a car nut"; "a bodybuilding freak"; "a news junkie"

See also: addict freak junky