Junky in a sentence as a noun

"This is kind of junky to be on HN homepage.

Other times you get to play with tremendous amounts of raw data, if you are a data junky it can rock.

A lot of creative engineers worked there but they were hamstrung by the junky phone SDKs available at the time.

Those of us who own electric cars know that electric cars have already won. They are just too good compared to regular somewhat-junky gasoline cars.

Every time someone buys a junky $300 laptop filled with bloatware from HP, Dell, eMachines, etc. they are going to have a mediocre experience at best.

We literally had: 1. A junky home page.\n 2. A login page that literally just two inputs and a submit button.\n 3. A signup page that was similar.\n 4.

Apple isn't the only manufacturer that makes quality hardware, but the quality non-Apple machines cost much closer to the Apples than the junky Gateway does.

When companies offer stock or other securities to purchasers, the broad rule is that "you can offer anything you want, even something junky, so long as you disclose all material elements associated with the offering such that a reasonable investor can make an informed decision in deciding to purchase it.

Junky definitions


a narcotics addict

See also: junkie


someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; "a golf addict"; "a car nut"; "a bodybuilding freak"; "a news junkie"

See also: addict freak junkie